Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Liberation Theology (Aravind Reddy)

A.) A.)Moses was extremely successful in his secular life. This was because he was saved from being executed by the Pharaoh reigning at that time. He then became adopted by the Pharaoh’s daughter and led a very good life. He was also successful because he was favored to be next in line to become the Pharoah.

B.) B.)The first injustice Moses faces is when he saw an Egyptian striking a Hebrew, but then stopped this conflict by slaying the Egyptian. He did the right thing because the Egyptian thought he was above the Hebrew. The second injustice he is when he finds two Hebrews say that he is below them and Moses must flee Egypt. To keep things peaceful, Moses left Egypt and leaved the area. The last injustice was when Moses sees seven daughters of the priest of Midian coming to draw water from the well. The daughters are stopped by Shepperd's that came and made the girls leave. Moses then fought off the Shepperd's and helped the girls draw the water from the well. A lifelong injustice was his Hebrew people being enslaved. He belonged to them and thought they should be free. All these injustices prove that Moses was really following the word of God and also had good character.

C.) C.)Moses conversion story is a well known story. God had appeared as a burning bush and performed miracles to Moses to prove he really was god. When Moses saw this, he was in awe of God’s power and finally went under the influence of God. This process took some time because Moses was very stubborn.

D.) D.)Moses tried to avoid God’s will because he was afraid the other Hebrew people would think he was a lunatic. They would not believe that he could see God while they could not. He used many tactics to persuade God not to make him to His will. One such tactic was he said he was unable to do speeches properly. He also said that he was contented with life and his old age would prevent him from doing the tasks God would give to him. God became angry at Moses excuses, but Moses eventually caved in.

E.) E.)Moses in his early age had a wonderful life in Egypt where he would be very prosperous at being a Pharaoh and governing his land. He gave all that away when he murdered the Egyptian who was beating up on the old Hebrew. He then fled Egypt and stayed in Midian most of his life. He lived a content life, yet it was not the kind of lavishes he would of got at the Pharaoh’s palace. His result of his courageous acceptance was his saving the entire Hebrew nation. He lay the foundations for the Hebrew nation by showing that it is God’s will to take a stand when needed to and not be afraid to face an army much stronger than yours. He gave faith to the Hebrew nation and he stayed true to god’s path. Even during the civil war, slaves in the south used his example to rebel against their masters because they knew that all men and women were created equal by god.

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