Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A) Moses's mother attempted to save Moses by setting him in a basket and floating him down the river toward the Pharoah's house soon after his birth. Moses was cared for by the Pharoah's daughter and spared from execution. The Pharoah chose him to be next in line to rule over Egypt.

B) Moses witnessed a man beat an old woman who was a hebrew slave. Moses killed the persecutor, and fled Egypt soon afterwards. He lived in the desert for many years, married a woman named Zipporah, and learned to live a life as a shepherd.

C) Moses was out in the desert with his sheep when he noticed a bush on fire that was not being consumed by the flame. He went up to investigate, and God revealed himself to Moses. God explained to Moses what was happening to the Hebrews, and told Moses that he had to help them. Moses refused at first, but eventually gave in when God explained that he would always be there to help.

D) Moses tried to get out of doing his task by explaining to God that he was too old, that the Pharoah would not listen to him, and that he was slow of speech. But God gave him Aaron as an assisstant, a young, intelligent man who would help.

E) Moses was an extremely wealthy man. He was next in line to be Pharoah, and could get almost anything else he could possibly want. But when he murdered the taskmaster, he threw all of this away. He fled for his life. When God called on him, it showed that God has no preference for the rich or the powerful. God calls on everyone, even the lowly and the sinners. God always forgives, even when we cannot even forgive ourselves. What Moses did freed an entire nation. The slaves were saved from a life of eternal persecution, and the death of the army in the red sea kept them from being chased their entire lives. Once again, the people betray God by making the golden calf and worshipping false gods, but God calls on them again, because he forgives them.

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