Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A) Moses' success in the secular life was due in a large part to the fact that as a child he was spared from execution. The Pharaoh had demanded that he be killed but he instead was adopted by the Pharaoh's daughter and raised as her son. Moses was favored by his maternal grandfather and was therefore next in line to become Pharaoh.

B) Moses had to watch an Egyptian taskmaster beat a Hebrew slave and was so enraged by this and the mocking he endured afterward that he fled Egypt. He knew that the injustices his Hebrew people were suffering were completely not right, so he eventually led his people out of Egypt.

C) Moses experienced a conversion when God came to him as a burning bush and convinced him of his powers. Moses did not want to surrender to God's will, but he eventually did. Moses was stunned by God's powers.

D) Moses did not believe he would be right for the job God assigned to him because he was old, had a speech impediment, and thought that the people wouldn't believe him when he said he had seen God. In the end, Moses inquired as to why he had to do it. It took God's getting upset with him before Moses stopped trying to get out of his duty.

E) Moses gave up a lush life in Egypt in order to serve God and do his duty to his people. God still calls on sinners to serve him, just like Moses. As the story of Moses teaches us, we must obey God's will whether we believe it's right for us or not. God uses individuals, whether they are sinners or not, to lead people who are suffering. He used Moses to lead the Hebrews out of Egypt because they deserved a better life. When Moses obeyed God and freed his people from Egypt, it enabled others to see and realize that God is forgiving and wants His people to be happy.

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